Four Phases of a Prosperous SEO Schedule

Prior to making the decision to invest in an SEO firm, entrepreneurs should inquire about the components that contribute to shaping an SEO strategy and the expectations for the initial 12 months. Presented below is a brief overview of a standard SEO timetable, segmented into four pivotal phases. Delight in!

Research and Exploration | Website Review

SEO site review

Whether developing a new website or revamping an existing one, an up-to-date site audit is crucial for formulating your online marketing approach.

During the site audit, an adept team will thoroughly analyze both the technical and non-technical facets of your site to evaluate strengths and weaknesses, and uncover potential opportunities. Based on the audit findings, a marketing plan and schedule will be devised and categorized into manageable tasks for the upcoming months.

Phase 1 | Technical SEO

Technical SEO

The objective of phase 1 is to prime your site for natural expansion by providing users and search engines a commendable first impression (much like tidying up your abode before guests arrive!).

The technical SEO enhancements implemented in the initial months establish a groundwork for organic growth by ensuring easy discovery, crawling, and indexing of all relevant pages by search engines. The SEO specialist scrutinizes navigation, mobile compatibility, site layout, structured data, site speed, and other factors to guarantee positive initial impressions for both humans and web crawlers.

Potential Achievements: Technical adjustments carried out in the initial months may result in minor, temporary traffic spikes. Nonetheless, for a brand-new website or a site in the early phases of SEO, significant changes in rankings or Return on Investment (ROI) are unlikely at this stage.

Phase 2 | On-Site SEO

On-site SEO

In the past, on-site SEO mainly revolved around keyword positioning. Loading a page with a sufficient number of the same keyword used to be a nearly foolproof method to secure top rankings for any keyword. However, contemporary on-site optimization has become more intricate.

Search engines like Google employ semantic search to deliver more pertinent and precise search outcomes. Semantic search places search queries into context, bridging the gap between “give me what I said” and “give me what I desire”. Although the fundamental principles of keyword research persist, semantic search has shifted the approach marketers take towards on-site optimization. It is now more crucial to optimize for user intent rather than individual keywords.

Referring to the site audit, your SEO expert will evaluate landing pages for on-site optimization. Keyword research will be conducted and evaluated against landing page performance to determine which pages merit high priority for on-site optimization in the upcoming months.

Potential Achievements: Impressions, Click-Through Rate (CTR), and overall visibility in search engines could begin to enhance between months 3-6 as newly optimized pages are added and indexed more frequently.

Phase 3 | Off-Site SEO

Off-site SEO

In contrast to on-site optimization, off-site optimization pertains to external elements influencing a site’s ranking capability. Off-site optimization can be likened to the “word of mouth” of the internet. The objective is to establish a sustainable backlink framework consisting of reliable referral links from other reputable websites. Each backlink serves as a vote or commendation.

The crux of building a sound backlink framework is crafting content that individuals find engaging enough to share. Blogging, instructional videos, photo sharing, and social media all play a role in endorsing your site. The more credible backlinks your site garners, the greater “authority” it attains from search engines such as Google.

Potential Achievements: Search engines typically take notice around months 6-9 as consistent content promotion aids in positioning your brand as a trusted thought leader online. The quality and consistency of organic search traffic will gain momentum as popular content disseminated early on keeps being shared, promoted, and indexed across the web.

Phase 4 | Assess and Enhance

Analyze SEO outcomes

Phase 4 is more of an ongoing practice involving analyzing historical data to refine phases 1 to 3. Monthly SEO upkeep comprises content creation, technical maintenance, and aesthetic alterations to enhance user experience and bolster conversion rates.

Potential Achievements: A versatile strategy and data-informed recommendations lead to increased quality visitors and higher conversion rates over time. The key is to avoid complacency in your strategy. Search engines appreciate dynamism, thereby emphasizing the significance of continuous analysis and maintenance. When executed effectively, the cumulative impact of SEO will generate expedited results and long-term Return on Investment (ROI).

Observing Outcomes

Even with a sound strategy in place, it may require months of dedicated effort for sites to establish credibility with search engines and grow organically. The true victors are those who perceive the broader picture and grasp the value of SEO as a long-term investment.
