What exactly is the meaning of SGE in Google? Explanations of the Search Generative Experience

Dive deeper into Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE)! Explore how this AI-powered innovation is transforming search and what it means for you.

To delve deeper into Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE)! Discover how this AI-driven advancement is reshaping search functionality and its implications for individuals.

During the Google I/O developer conference of 2023, we were presented with the initial concepts showcasing the integration of generative AI into search results. Additionally, a new term, SGE, was introduced.

Lets now explore the significance of these developments and how we are poised to witness substantial transformations in Google’s landscape in the imminent future.

What exactly does the Generative Search Experience entail?

SGE refers to the Search Generative Experience. It signifies Google’s incorporation of generative AI capabilities in search results to render them more customized, relevant, and aligned with individual user behaviors and intents.

When a query is initiated, instead of merely surfacing the most pertinent web pages, SGE foresees the underlying queries and requirements of the user, generating bespoke responses utilizing Google’s generative AI technology.


This methodology deviates significantly from the conventional 10 blue links typically found in Google search results. The search outcomes are dynamically produced for each user, considering the query context, the user’s search history, and how analogous queries were tackled for others. This implies that the results may differ substantially on each inquiry.

So how exactly does SGE function?

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) leverages various Large Language Models (LLMs), such as MUM (Multitask Unified Model) and PaLM2, among others. These LLMs form part of Google’s cutting-edge Gemini AI model tailored to comprehend user queries, evaluate pertinent content, and provide relevant results more effectively and precisely.

The amalgamation of these models in SGE exemplifies Google’s dedication to harnessing state-of-the-art AI to enrich search encounters for users by furnishing more relevant, exhaustive, and context-aware responses.

Is it possible to try out SGE?

As of March 2024, the Search Generative Experience is accessible only in a select few countries through the Google Labs early access program.

What implications will SGE have on search results?

The exact extent of the influence of the Search Generative Experience on search outcomes remains somewhat uncertain, but clarity on this matter is anticipated by May 2024 during the upcoming Google I/O developer conference.

Possibly, Search Generative Experience will considerably feature in specific search outcomes, potentially supplanting paid advertisements or native search functionality with Google’s self-generated outcomes. As depicted in the example below, it appears that the most significant reduction will be seen in the visibility of traditional organic results.


Preliminary indications of substantial changes are already emerging based on beta tests of the new attributes. According to recent research by Authoritas:

  • In excess of 90% of search outcomes could display generative results,
  • Potentially, nearly all branded searches in the future (e.g., "Nike") could showcase generative responses,
  • About 62% of SGE links originate from beyond the top 10 search results,
  • Queries with transactional intent like e-commerce, travel, and insurance could be among the most affected.

Possible disadvantages of SGE

Despite the fact that the Search Generative Experience (SGE) is expected to usher in the most significant transformation in how we engage with Google Search over the past two decades, it also carries probable downsides that should not be underestimated.

One notable concern is the risk of inaccurate search outcomes. Given SGE’s substantial reliance on generative AI for generating responses, there might be instances where the produced information is inaccurate or unreliable. This inaccuracy could arise from the AI’s dependence on existing online material, which may, in itself, contain errors or misinformation. As highlighted in a recent report by Bleeping Computer, SGE could potentially feature malware and scams.

Another plausible drawback is SGE’s extensive dependency on what Google perceives as authoritative websites as opposed to smaller independent businesses. Recently, search results have been dominated by user-generated content platforms like Reddit and Quora, with Reddit especially being prevalent in over 97% of product review queries.

How should one ready themselves for SGE?

The most prudent advice for SEO professionals at present is to "brace for the forthcoming rollout of SGE."

Currently, the adjustments required in search engine optimization best practices remain murky. Broad indications from Google can be derived from the recently updated helpful content guidelines.

Here are some key considerations:

  1. Focus on your target audience: Tailor your content to cater to the queries of your ideal users, furnishing detailed, value-laden responses.
  2. Do not disregard long-tail keywords: Employ conversational, long-tail keywords to align with specific search intents through valuable and distinctive responses.
  3. Take into account search intent: Analyze the semantics of search queries to ascertain what users are precisely seeking and respond with more precise and comprehensive answers.
  4. Revise your structured data: Implement structured data to clarify your website’s context for improved search result visibility.
  5. Do not neglect technical SEO: Prioritize a swift, responsive website experience, recognizing its significance for rankings and user interaction.
  6. Accentuate your expertise: If you possess subject matter expertise, ensure this is evident on your platform. While E-A-T may not directly affect rankings, it is crucial for users to comprehend why you are a reliable source of information.

In conclusion

In my perspective, the Search Generative Experience is set to introduce the most profound change in Google search outcomes over the past two decades. SGE promises to render search outcomes more personalized, actionable, and contextually pertinent by harnessing the immense capabilities of generative AI. The efficacy of Google in implementing these enhancements without exposing users to new vulnerabilities and fraudulent activities remains to be observed.

While the transition will be significant, it is unlikely to transpire abruptly. It is imperative for Google to refine and adapt SGE diligently, ensuring that it not only amplifies the search experience but also upholds the accuracy and reliability that users anticipate. My intuition suggests that we might witness substantial insights during the forthcoming Google I/O developer conference. Equipped with further knowledge, SEO professionals can commence reevaluating and adapting their strategies for a search experience centered on generative AI.


  • Pladora Maria

    Maria brings over 11 years of experience as a digital marketer, having worked both in-house and on the agency side. This diverse background enriches her writing with a wealth of practical insights. She specializes in crafting beginner-friendly articles on topics such as keyword research, on-page SEO, and content creation.

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