Long Tail Keywords: The Key to Unlocking High-Intent Traffic

Don’t waste time on generic keywords! Master long-tail keywords to attract high-intent users ready to buy. This guide unlocks the secrets to SEO success with long-tail strategies.

Curious about Long Tail Keywords and their significance in search marketing strategies? You’re going to learn more right now!

Exactly What Are Extended Key Phrases?

Extended key phrases refer to lengthier and more detailed keyword combinations that potential customers are more inclined to use when they are nearing a purchasing decision or when using voice-activated search. Typically, extended key phrases have lower search volumes compared to short or main keywords. While they may seem counterintuitive initially, if utilized correctly, they can bring significant value.

strategies to boost website traffic - Long Tail Keywords graph

Image inspired by Mangools

How Are Extended Key Phrases Effective?

For instance, let’s consider this scenario: Suppose you run a business that specializes in vintage furniture. The likelihood of your pages appearing at the top of an organic search result for a generic term like "furniture" is slim due to high competition, especially if you are a small enterprise or startup. However, by focusing on a niche such as modern art-deco furniture, using key phrases like "modern Art Deco-inspired semi-circle lounge" will attract potential buyers looking for that specific product.

Discover optimal extended key phrases using our Complimentary Keyword Tool.

Effectively managing extended key phrases involves establishing better communication channels between your business and customers who are actively seeking the products or services you offer.

Consider this: If you search for the term "couch" (a broad keyword known as a "main term"), chances of making a purchase immediately are slim. However, if you search for "elm wood veneer day-bed," you have a precise idea of what you want and are likely ready to make a purchase then and there.

While extended key phrases may attract less traffic compared to generic terms, the traffic they draw is higher in quality: more focused, committed, and interested in your offerings.

The 80/20 Principle in Extended Key Phrases

The term "long tail" symbolizes the shape of a search volume distribution graph. If we were to plot the popularity of keywords across the web, a few terms and phrases (like Facebook, sex, Justin Bieber) would dominate the search statistics.

Surprisingly, these high-traffic keywords, known as the "head" of the graph, actually account for a relatively small percentage of searches, approximately ten to fifteen percent, depending on the method of measurement. Another fifteen to twenty percent of searches are linked to mid-length keywords, meaning that roughly seventy percent of page views originate from – yes, you guessed it – extended key phrases. It’s akin to a never-ending dragon’s tail spiraling on and on.

Identifying Qualified Searchers Using Extended Key Phrases

Shorter keywords often lead to intense competition for rankings, but the resulting traffic can be scattered, and the return on investment may be relatively low. By strategically incorporating extended key phrases, you may attract fewer visitors based on sheer numbers, but the return on investment will be significantly higher. You’ll be targeting the exact audience you aim for, and this audience will be closer to making a purchase compared to those targeted by your less informed competitors.

Decreased Competition Equals Cost Savings

Extended key phrases prove beneficial for businesses aiming to improve their rankings in organic Google searches. Furthermore, they offer even more advantages for advertisers running paid search campaigns.

When you bid on extended key phrases, the cost per click naturally decreases due to less competition.

suggested Long Tail Keywords

By targeting longer, more detailed extended key phrases in your AdWords initiatives, you can achieve higher ad placements in pertinent searches without incurring excessive costs per click.

The key lies in identifying a consistent, renewable source of tailored extended key phrases that align with your business and sector. Surprisingly, most keyword suggestion tools overlook this valuable category and solely concentrate on the popular terms, disregarding the extensive tail of the dragon.

So, what are your alternatives?

How to Locate Extended Key Phrases

Discovering extended key phrases is simple with WordStream’s complimentary keyword research tool. Enter the term you wish to investigate:

complimentary keyword tool for paid search campaigns

The tool presents the top ten most popular key phrases. Submit your email to receive the complete list of extended key phrase options at absolutely no cost.

Incorporating variations of extended key phrases in your marketing endeavors is a advantageous strategy: enhanced search rankings, higher quality search traffic, and reduced costs per click.


  • Pladora Maria

    Maria brings over 11 years of experience as a digital marketer, having worked both in-house and on the agency side. This diverse background enriches her writing with a wealth of practical insights. She specializes in crafting beginner-friendly articles on topics such as keyword research, on-page SEO, and content creation.

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